Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Vol. XVIII, No 36, 2013.
UDC, ID National Library of Serbia - Acta Agriculture Serbica 2013 >>>>
36-1 Content and allocation of nickel, chromium, cobalt, copper and zinc in Teucrium montanum L. from serpentine habitats in Serbia
Vicić Dražen, Polavder Svetlana, Stojiljković Milovan, Jurišić Branislav, Bojat Nenad
Pages 101-110
36-2 Optimal microclimatic control strategy using wireless sensor network and mobile measuring agent
Simon Janoš
Pages 111-121
36-3 Integrated Fruit Production in Bulgaria – State-of the-Art, Tendencies and Ecologically Sound Approaches for Producing Safe Fruits
Rankova Zarya, Zhivondov Argir, Tityanov Miroslav
Pages 123-131
36-4 Histological analysis of fish gills as an indicator of water pollution in the Tamiš River
Lujić Jelena, Marinović Zoran, Miljanović Branko
Pages 133-141
36-5 Assessing ecological aspects of biosaffety of genetically modified crops to environment
Bošković Jelena, Zečević Veselinka, Galonja Coghill Tamara, Matković Mirela, Trkulja Nenad, Vukašinović Dragana
Pages 143-167
36-6 Differentiation of wine commercial samples by using fluorescence spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
Mutavdžić Mira, Mutavdžić Dragosav, Radotić Ksenija, Milojković – Opsenica Dušanka
Pages 169-177
36-7 Wireless information system for frost detection in orchards
Marković Dušan, Pešović Uroš, Ranđić Siniša, Glišić Ivan
Pages 179-186