Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 2016
Vol. XXI, No. 42, 2016.
UDC, ID National Library of Serbia - Acta Agriculture Serbica 2016 >>>>
1. |
Effects of the application of biofertilizers on the microflora and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) |
Tošić Ivana, Golić Zorica, Radosavac Adriana Pages 91-98 |
2. |
Plant height and internode length as components of lodging resistance in barley |
Madić Milomirka, Knežević Desimir, Paunović Aleksandar, Đurović Dragan Pages 99-106 |
3. |
Current situation, potentials and prospects for the development of organic farming in Šumadija |
Brković Duško, Đurić Milena, Krsmanović Milorad, Luković Brankica, Pages 107-122 |
4. |
Biodiversity and organic agriculture |
Veličković Milovan, Golijan Jelena, Popović Aleksandar Pages 123-134 |
5. |
Decision support system for temperature monitoring in beehives |
Marković Dušan, Pešović Uroš, Đurašević Slađana, Ranđić Siniša Pages 135-144 |
6. |
Impact on productivity of forced molt and duration of production cycle of commercial laying hens held in cage systems |
Mitrović Sreten, Pandurević Tatjana, Radoičić - Dimitrijević Maja, Pages 145-154 |
7. |
Organic viticulture in world, Serbia and region |
Vukosavljević Vera, Žunić Dragoljub, Todić Slavica, Matijašević Saša Pages 155-166 |