У наставку је текст позива који се односи на Стипендију за курс немачког језика.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am pleased to inform you about our new scholarshipoffers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses at Bavarian higher education institutions in 2025. The scholarships for on-site courses in Bavaria include tuition fees, accommodation, and meals.
Students and young academics of all disciplines with intermediate German proficiency (at least B1-level) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Ukraine can apply for BAYHOST summer course scholarships. At the time of application, students must have completed at least two entire semesters at an institute of higher education in their home country and provide corresponding grades. Applicants must have the citizenship of one of the eligible countries.
The application deadline is March 23, 2025.Applications must be submitted exclusively via our online form.
Further information on the application process and language courses can be found on the BAYHOST-website [5] and under the BAYHOST facebook profile [2].
I kindly ask you to pass this information to students / other parties interested and / or announce the call for application at your website or share the information via facebook. We would also be happy to send you our new postcard [3] by post to promote the program (please just let me know how many postcards you need and what your address is). The QR code printed on the postcard leads to our current online flyer [4] which provides a complete overview of BAYHOST programs for students and young researchers from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.