Hygienic Design Festival (HDF), will take place in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia from 27 to 29 May 2015.
HDF is dedicated to direct contact between Food equipment manufacturers and Food producers, where Food equipment manufacturers will exhibit and promote their products and services to huge number of food producing companies’ representatives from all around the world.
Within theHygienic Design Festival aConference in Hygienic Engineering and Design & Food Quality and Safety will also take place. We encourage all interested academia representatives, researchers, food technology experts, and other institute, academia, company, government agency representatives to join this event. This is an opportunity to learn from each other, exchange experiences, make new business partners, take part in future project consortia, etc. It is also an opportunity to present your researches in the field of hygienic engineering and design, as well as food quality and safety.
Second deadline for Abstract submission is 3 March 2015.
The Topics of this Conference are:
Equipment & Components |
Process Control |
Food refrigeration, Freezing, Conveyor systems, Packaging machines, Pipes, Couplings, Pumps, Seals, Sensors, Separators, Tanks, Homogenizers, Dampening devices, Filters, Fluid beds,Spray dryers, Motors, Transportation, Mechanics, etc. |
Food Ingredients, Food Structure, Additives, Supplements, Food Technology, Production, Engineering, Processing and Sustainability in food quality and safety, Traceabiliy, Systems / standards: GAP, GMPs, SSOPs, HACCP, ISO family, BRC, IFS, SQF, TQM and more |
Principles |
Hazards and Risks |
Design Principles, Building and Architectural Design, Dry and Liquid materials and products handling, Hygienic Systems Integration, Cleaning and Sanitation, Testing and Certification, Welding |
Microbiological, Chemical and Physical hazards, Risk Characterization, Assessment, Analysis, Communication, Estimation, Management, Control, Toxicology, Allergology |
Materials of construction |
Legislation |
Metals and Alloys, Elastomers, Plastics, Welding, Vulcanization, Building and Construction Materials |
Laws, Regulations, Food Quality and Safety Codes,Food Quality and Safety legislation Harmonization |
Processing equipment hygienic design |
Cleaning and Sanitation |
Closed and Open Processing Equipment, Milk, Diary, Meat, Fish, Milling, Baking, Sweets, Confectionary, Water etc. products processing equipment |
Cleaning, Sanitation, CIP, SOP, and Environmental hygiene monitoring science and technology |
Services & utilities |
Food Analysis |
Air Handling, Electric and Power Installations and Machines, Water handling, Heat treatments, Lubricants, Process water, Electronics, Computing |
Microbiology, Chemistry, Developments and Innovations, Issues, Trends, Test methods and Instrumentation used in food science |
Education and Training |
Education and Training |
Training and Education in Hygienic Engineering and Design |
Training and Education in Food Quality and Safety |
(See more on: www.keyevent.org)
Conference feescan be found at: http://www.keyevent.org/RegistrationAndAccomodation.
Students(undergraduate, graduate or doctoral) have special discount (read more at mentioned webpage above).
HDF Conference Authors can write:
1. Abstracts (will be published in Book of Abstracts and in CAB Abstracts database).
2. Posters (will be displayed at the Congress and published in Book of Abstracts in the form of Abstracts and in CAB Abstract database).
3. Full papers(all full papers will be published in the Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design - JHED, German National Library of Science and Technology, University Library of Hannover, CABI Full text repository database, Food Science and Technology database, and Global Health database.
Abstract submission rules are displayed at: http://keyevent.org/CallForPapers (Guidelines for Abstract submission). All Authors should place their Abstracts at: http://www.keyevent.org/CallForPapersin Abstract submission form, or at:Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели..
Authors should indicatewhether they will have a). Oral or b). Poster presentation and whether c). They will write a full paper or not.
Authors who indicated that will write Full paper will have one month after official invitation from Conference Board to submit a Full paper. Full paper submission rules are displayed at: http://www.keyevent.org/CallForPapers(Guidelines for Full papers submission).Please,send your Full papers on: Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели..
For further Conference information please contact the organizer: Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели..
At the Hygienic Design FestivalBrokerage eventswill be organized (face to face meetings), each day from 11 till 13h, between academia/research institutions and food equipment/food producers. Scientific, research institutions and companies representatives can promote and establish: Business cooperation, Academia-Industry partnership, creation of new consortia’s for application to EU programs like: HORIZON 2010, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, etc. In order to do so, please fill in your Brokerage event profile. You can download it from: http://www.keyevent.org/BrokerageEvent. Please fill in this profile and send it back to: Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.. We will be informed about the meeting schedule on the first day of the Festival, after gathering brokerage profiles from all interested parties.