Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the local Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 34th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry (Agriconference), which will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between 9 and 11 October 2024. The University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences will host the Conference in partnership with Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture.
This year’s Conference, organized under the theme “From Hidden Threats to Innovative Assets: Transformative Capacity of Agrifood Systems,” will highlight the challenges faced in the agriculture and food industry and the sector’s potential to transform challenges into opportunities.
We kindly invite researchers from all related disciplines to share their knowledge and expertise with the scientific society and industry representatives and publish their work in the international journal issued by the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences.
This year’s Conference topics include:
• Greening Agricultural Practices: Advancements in Sustainable Plant Production;
• Innovations in Food Science and Nutrition;
• Need for agribusiness transformation in the light of UN SDG 2030;
• Animal production – new challenges;
• New Frontiers in Plant Health
Drage kolege,
U ime Organizacionog odbora, sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo da učestvujete na 34. Međunarodnoj naučno-stručnoj konferenciji poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije (Agriconference), koja će se održati u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, u periodu od 9. do 11. oktobra 2024. Domaćin konferencije će biti Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni fakultet, u partnerstvu sa Poljoprivrednim fakultetom Ege Univerziteta u Turskoj.
Ovogodišnja konferencija, organizirana pod temom „From Hidden Threats to Innovative Assets: Transformative Capacity of Agrifood Systems“, ima za cilj naglasiti izazove sa kojima se susreću poljoprivreda i prehrambena industrija, kao i potencijal ovih sektora da transformišu izazove u prilike.
Pozivamo istraživače iz svih srodnih disciplina da svoje znanje i stručnost podijele sa naučnim društvom i predstavnicima industrije i objave svoje radove u međunarodnom časopisu Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Poljoprivredno-prehrambenog fakulteta.
Teme ovogodišnje konferencije su:
• Greening Agricultural Practices: Advancements in Sustainable Plant Production;
• Innovations in Food Science and Nutrition;
• Need for agribusiness transformation in the light of UN SDG 2030;
• Animal production – new challenges;
• New Frontiers in Plant Health